Tag Archives: training

Teaching: Sun Saltation A (I will give myself B on that)

What a busy busy days.

My practice is, thanks to our supporting clients, booked up for next few weeks.
Have been fully booked.
Anyway, that’s my excuse of not keeping up with the journal.

Last Tuesday at YTT (Yoga teacher training) which has a regular class in its first half.
Teacher decided to let Yoga Teachers in Training to run Sun Saltation A.

That includes:

Tadasana (mountain pose)
Uttanasana (Intense Forward Being Pose)
Chataranga Dandasana (Plank)
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward facing dog)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog)

I take ashtanga a few times a week, so I am comfortable with the sequence.
I also have taught in university classes as a TA, so I am ok with being in front of people.

However, what I underestimated was how difficult talking the sequence and contraindications/modification spontaneously while breathing through is!

Well, besides the fact English is my second language, giving body movement instructions in a sequential way spontaneously was hard.

I did ok except I made no eye contacts with students.
That I regretted a bit. That is something I can work on our next teaching demo.

I believe we will be teaching sun saltation B tonight.

We shall see.
